
Puppy Monkey Baby

Another Super Bowl has come and gone, and with it the legendary Super Bowl commercials. In this post, we at Pleth give our take on a handful of this year's Super Bowl ads.

thankful emoji pattern

It's close to Thanksgiving, which means we've been thinking more about the things we're thankful for in our careers... aside from Pleth, that is.

As professionals, and more accurately marketing-crazed creatives, we love to give our two cents when it comes to logos, slogans, websites and all things advertising.

The world of advertising, particularly for global brands, revolves around a snazzy slogan—inspiring words that stick in the mind of the consumer and evoke the need to buy what you’re selling.

This past Sunday, Brittany Sims and I had the pleasure of attending the first Farm Dinner hosted at the Grange by the Wilson Café.

Just like fashion, furniture, photography or any other stylistic expression, graphic design is trendy. So why do some folks continue to use the same old same old?